insight on sports & everyday life

Feb 9, 2009

I'm sick of A-Rod and more sick of Baseball (MLB)

Just go away. Seriously.
I'm sick of all this steroids in baseball talk. It's repugnant and frustrating. Why does A-Rod admit taking steroids AFTER he is found out to have taken them in 2003? Why can't he (or anyone else) be honest and come out and admit it BEFORE the fact...not after?? And now all of America is supposed to "forgive him" just because he admitted it? Shenanigans! He would have never admitted it if he didn't get caught. Steroid users are frauds and most of baseball in the 90's and 2000's has been a fraud. Bud Selig is a fraud. He makes over 18 million dollars a year!! And to do what?? destroy baseball...

I'm sick of baseball. Why not boycott it? Seriously. The game will not evolve. Bud Selig won't try anything new because "we've never done it that way before". Well, those are the dying words of any organization. If you don't evolve with the times you will fade out and become irrelevant. For instance, baseball owners unanimously voted down Mark Cuban as an owner (for the Chicago Cubs). An owner like him (outgoing, forthright, relational with adolescents, etc.) would have helped propel the sport, but instead the owners wanted to keep baseball "traditional". They were too afraid to try anything different. They wanted to appease 65 year old fogies who hardly have any merit with corporate America. Besides Cialis/Viagara, I don't see too many TV commercials that target old people. Companies are trying to sell to young people. However, baseball does not want to reach out to young people. They want to keep "tradition" (i.e. late starting times for playoff games). Right, have 10 year olds asleep and not watch

Also, Major League Baseball has no salary cap. The Evil Empire can buy all the good players while the small markets suffer. This will never change, especially if Bud Selig (and his 18 million dollar yearly salary) remain in office. I'm sick of it. SICK OF IT!! I could rant and rant and rant about it but I'm frankly sick of even writing about baseball. I'm done with it. If the Yankees buy out Doc Holliday I'm done with baseball for ever. I just don't know how something so good went so wrong, but I guess that's what they said about Disco in the 70's...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah man baseball is brutal, I mean steroids, not salary cap, too many teams out of it too soon, I think that I may be done with baseball soon, maybe I will just focus on the WBC, or move to a town with a sweet farm team.


March 09, 2009 5:31 PM

Blogger JV said...

yeah man, for real. check out my post in the hockey pool. daryl is on board with me.

March 09, 2009 5:51 PM


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